How to Decrease Website Friction and Increase Conversions

The sales funnel is all about leading customers to conversion, and it’s important to make that process as simple as possible. Friction on your website can slow down the customer journey and have a negative impact on your sales.

How to Decrease Website Friction and Increase Conversions

Digital marketers often focus on their content and marketing strategies, but an agency like New York-based Taktical will be the first to recommend optimizing the technical side of the shopping experience. This article will briefly cover some of the common causes of website friction and what you can do to simplify the customer journey.

Make Your Website Faster

Many marketers don’t even know their site speed, and this issue commonly goes unnoticed while it’s lowering sales and increasing website abandonments. While high-res images and other visual elements can make your site look more professional, they might also lead to longer loading times on certain devices.

It’s important to visit your own website regularly in order to test your load speed and identify any other issues with the user experience. Rather than thinking of this as a one-time fix, consider it a consistent effort—you should always be looking for ways to increase the speed of every page on your website.

Check your website speed at: PageSpeed Insights

Add Payment Methods

e-commerce sites often only accept one or two payment methods, and they miss out on sales whenever a potential customer doesn’t use those services. While some leads will sign up and connect their bank account to a new payment gateway, most of them will simply look for another option.

Adding payment methods to your website is a quick way to make your products accessible to more customers. Issues with payment will substantially increase abandoned carts and turn off users who aren’t willing to use those payment methods.

Improve Your Search Function

Many online stores have outdated search tools that make it difficult for users to find what they’re looking for, turning the search process into a friction point for the sales funnel. It’s important for every customer to be able to find the right results even if they don’t have all the product information.

Fortunately, there are a number of e-commerce search engines that enable you to provide more accurate search results on your website. Some of these platforms offer a free trial, giving you the opportunity to test them out before committing. A premium search engine is a small price to pay for more sales and simpler shopping experience.

Website friction can hold back an otherwise perfect digital marketing campaign, and optimizing the user experience is the simplest way to quickly increase sales on your online store. These three tips will help you increase conversions and move leads through the sales cycle.

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