Support Center


The subscription you choose for your store will impact which features you have access to, the benefits you get such as lower fulfillment fees, and the value you pay for it.

That’s why it’s important to know where you can manage it, upgrade it, change payment method and add store credit.

After you have logged into your account, you should proceed to the subscriptions section to configure your settings.

On the bottom left menu “Account”, you will find the “Subscription” button between the Logout and Preferences buttons. Click on it to go to the subscriptions section.


At the top of the page you should see your Current Plan (for example, Premium). Below it, you have a Change Plan button, which you can click if you wish to switch to another plan.

Check the differences between plans

To get the accurate prices of your plan, you have to choose what type of contract you want (you find this above the columns of plans). There are four different options:

  • Monthly: you pay for one month, after a month your plan is finished.

  • Yearly: you pay for one year in advance. Your plan will finish after a year.

  • 2 years: you pay for two years in advance after which you are able to continue or cancel your account.

  • 3 years: you pay for three years in advance after which you are able to continue or cancel your account.

period choose plan payment method

After you have selected a plan, you can now go ahead and add the Payment Method you want to use to pay for the subscription. You have three options of payment:

  • Credit Card: You can pay with your Visa, MasterCard or American Express. Just insert your card number, expiration date and CVC number to finish the payment.

  • PayPal: If you have a PayPal account you will be directed to the PayPal page to fulfil the payment.

  • Bank Transfer: You can choose to pay for your plan through a bank transfer. After you have paid, you have to upload a PDF with Receipt of Payment.


Once you have configured the payment method, next you can confirm your Billing Information. Make sure all the variables are correct in each box.


You also have the section to view your Invoices, where you can view invoices from previous years as well.

These include payments made for subscriptions and any other payments that might have been made, for example, for the JumpDesign feature your payment will appear under Other Payments.


Lastly, we have the “Store Credit” section. To use and pay for the fulfillment service, you will need to add credit to your account.

Once you make a fulfilment from the order section, the “Store Credit” used will be listed here with the fulfilments made and their total cost.

The fulfillment feature can be used with any plan, however, the fee will vary depending on the plan you choose.


Discount on multiple stores

You can get a 25% discount if you associate multiple stores with Jumpseller! The conditions for the discount are as follows:

  1. Subscribe to plan Plus, Pro, Premium or Advanced.

  2. To qualify for the 25% discount you will need to have at least 2 stores subscribed, there is no limit of stores that can benefit from this discount.

  3. You will get 25% on all stores but one, this means that if you have 3 stores, the 2 with the lowest plan get the 25% discount, or if they are all under the same plan 2 get the discount. The order in which you created the stores is irrelevant.

  4. Plan Basic has no multi-store discount.

For example; If you created your first store with the Plus plan, your second store should also be subscribed to the Plus plan or higher (Pro or Premium). In this case, the first store will get a 25% discount.

Case scenarios where it would apply:

  1. First Store: Plus Second Store: Plus - First Store gets 25% off

  2. First Store: Plus Second Store: Plus Third Store: Plus - First and Second stores get 25% off

  3. First Store: Plus Second Store: Plus Third Store: Premium - First and Second stores gets 25% off

  4. First Store: Pro Second Store: Plus Third Store: Plus - Second Store and Third Store get 25% off

If you have multiple stores with us, please contact us.

This discount is not cumulative with other Jumpseller promotions. P.e. Store A - Pro Plan / 2 years - 20% discount, Store B - Pro Plan / 2 years - 25% multi-store discount.


I changed my card and got charged.

When you change your card the system will ask for a payment leaving a positive balance for the days you already paid.

For Example: Plan Costs Monthly 24 USD and is charged on the 5th every month.

Merchant changes the card on the 25th, it will charge 24 USD leaving 8 USD credit based on the following calculation:

24USD - (20 days / 30 days) X 24USD = 8USD in credit

The 20 days are 30 (a month) minus the days between 25th and 5th of the next month

Can I make payments via Bank Transfer every month?

Unfortunately this is not possible, you can only do the bank transfer payment for the total amount of the 1 year or 2 years plan If you need more days to test your webshop, please ask our team.

Are there any discounts?

Yes, we have discounts for annual and biennial plans:

  • Monthly (undiscounted)

  • 1 year (10% discount)

  • 2 years (20% discount)

  • 3 years (30% discount)

Can you send me an invoice for my payment?

Yes, all payments are accompanied by an invoice with 0% VAT (for outside Europe). Invoices are issued by:

Widetail, Lda VAT: PT509168930 Rua Cândido dos Reis, 46, Room 11 4050-151 Porto, Portugal

You can download all invoices for payments in your Control Panel > Account > Subscription > Invoices

What day will I be charged for the payment?

The payment collections are always made on the same day you created the first subscription. For example, if you created (made the first payment) on March 10, the next payment will be on April 10 and later, on May 10, etc.

With what card can I pay my subscription?

  • VISA Credit Card

  • Credit Card MasterCard

  • Credit Card Maestro International

  • AMEX

I want to change my payment card, what happens with my payment?

Jumpseller calculates the occupied days with the old card, and makes the corresponding discount. The same happens when you change plans.

What does “Create your store/No Credit Card required” means?

The text “does not require credit card” indicates that you can create a store (14 day trial) without us asking for information of your Credit Card.

Can I have more trial days to obtain a Credit Card or to create a PayPal account? What should I do?

Yes, If you need more trial days in order to get a credit card or PayPal account or to decide to subscribe to the annual or biennial plan, just let us know.

What is the difference between the Basic, Plus and Pro Plans?

Check out the differences between plans page.

Start your journey with us!

Free trial for 14 days. No credit card required.