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Service Uptime Details for Jumpseller

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We strive to maintain Jumpseller always running. You can check our current uptime statistics.

Jumpseller uses an external company, called UptimeRobot, to monitor our infra-structure performance.

“UptimeRobot claims to be the world’s leading uptime monitoring service, keeping track of 6,000,000 monitors for more than 1,500,000 users and companies.”


What do 99.9% and 99.99% mean?

Basically, the number of “9’s” after the decimal “.” represent the amount of downtime. Let’s say over the course of a year a business offers you 99.9% uptime it means approximately more than eight hours of unplanned downtime. Whereas 99.99% means around 1 hour of unplanned downtime.

Where are Jumpseller servers located?

Our main server is located in Ireland, EU. All the stores assets, like images, javascript files, etc are distributed around the globe and served to you (or your clients) by the closest server.

For example, if you are in Chile:

  • your page is rendered and served from Ireland
  • your images, css files, js files are cached and served from the closes server (at this moment in São Paulo)

How secure are your servers?

We build on top of Amazon Web Services (AWS), the same infra-structure which supports the

The AWS cloud infrastructure is housed in AWS’s highly secure data centers, which utilize state-of-the art electronic surveillance and multi-factor access control systems. Data centers are staffed 24x7 by trained security guards, and access is authorized strictly on a least privileged basis. All personnel must be screened when leaving areas that contain customer data. Environmental systems in the data centers are designed to minimize the impact of disruptions to operations. And multiple geographic regions and Availability Zones allow you to remain resilient in the face of most failure modes, including natural disasters or system failures.

more security info from Amazon.

I will have a high traffic to my store, what to take in consideration?

We employ web cache to store a previous version of a store, elements such as the site itself and images are handled by extremely fast memmory to handle multiple requests and reduce the server’s CPU usage and therefore relieve stress on that end. Web caches reduce the amount of information that needs to be transmitted across the network, as information previously stored in the cache can often be re-used. This reduces bandwidth and processing requirements of the web server, and helps to improve responsiveness for users of the web.

Knowing this, your Jumpseller store is protected against slow downs due to high demand of users, if you think you will have hundreds of requests/second then you should notify us in advance so we can take the our measures.

How many visits are required to slow down or shut down my site?

A lot! you have to mind the amount of unique requests per second to measure capacity, if you think your store will generate something like this during a day: 250requests x 60secs x 60min x 24hours = 21 600 000 requests per day. To get to this number something extraordinary has to be happening to your store, like being on a brodacasted show on TV or a flash sale widely published where you predict high demand, but actually we have never got near that number before, if we ever do, we will take the needed measures to be over the ordinary capacity to ensure the best service possible. In short, our infrastructure is overcapped for each store’s regular needs.

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