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Get started with Shiptimize

Shiptimize is a shipping platform that automates a big part of the shipping process. It allows online stores to send products with negotiated rates, using some the most reliable carriers in the market.

With Shiptimize, you will be able print labels with one click, track your orders, send customized tracking e-mails to your customers and have access to our customer support. All for you to save time and money on your shipping.


  1. Go to “Apps”
  2. Click “Shiptimize & Pakketmail”
  3. Accept the permissions.
    • read_orders, write_orders - Get order information: shipping address, product list, order weight. Send back the Tracking Id and status updates.
    • read_settings, write_settings - Jumpseller supports two weight units: kg and lb. We need to know which weight units match the number indicated in the order.
    • read_shipping_methods - Used to get a list of declared shipping methods in Jumpseller so that you can assign a carrier to each one in the “shop settings.”
    • read_checkout_custom_fields, write_checkout_custom_fields - used to set necessary fields to save pickup points
    • read_jsapps, write_jsapps - used to set the script that appends the map when service points are available
  4. Click “Go to Application”



Carrier Configuration

  1. Under “Shipping Methods”, choose a carrier for each shipping method in Jumpseller. If you do not select a shipping method, your default carrier will be assigned.

  2. If you set an option for a carrier in a shipping method, all orders you import that ship with that shipping method will be assigned those options.

  3. If you want to exclude from import all orders that ship with a “Shipping Method”, click the checkbox under “Exclude Shipping Method from import”.

  4. Jumpseller shipping methods are saved on the Shiptimize Application when you install the plugin. If you add more methods in Jumpseller and want to assign a carrier these new methods, click “Refresh Shipping Methods.”

Manually Import Orders

  1. You can choose to import only paid orders by selecting “Paid” under “What Status Will Be Accepted?” in the shop settings.

  2. To import orders in the Shiptimize application, go to “Shipping”> “Create Shipment”> “Shop Import” and click “Start Import”.

Automated Import

  1. You can configure the plugin to import orders automatically. Under “how are orders imported” choose one of the following:
1.1. When the order is paid. - Imports new orders only when they are paid.

1.2. When the order status changes - Imports new orders regardless of status.

Automated updates between Shiptimize/PakketMail and Jumpseller

  1. If you enable “Update Track Code To Shop” in the shop settings, when you create a Label, the Shiptimize application sends the tracking Id to Jumpseller along with the Shipment Status “In transit.”

  2. You can configure additional automatic status updates for:

2.1. Order imported

2.2. Shipment delivered

2.3. Shipment failed

The Checkout for Your Customer including Pickup locations

If your contract with Shiptimize has carriers that support pickup locations, you can let your clients choose locations at Checkout.

To enable this feature under “Activate Drop-off points on your store” select “Always show drop-off points when available”.

This option is only available for Jumpseller’s Checkout version 1.

If you have any questions please contact:

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