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Product Search On Jumpseller

All Jumpseller Stores regardless of the plan come with simple search capabilities. Search can be an important aspect of improving the customer experience on your website and help them find the things they are looking for.

How to add a Search Form

You can add a search form on any page of your Online Store by including the piece of code you see below on your Theme Editor.

<form method="post" action="{{search.url_send}}">
  <input type="text" name="q" value="{{search.query}}" />
  <input type="submit" value='Search' />

Most times you will want to add it at the Layout Block.

Search is done on the following Product Fields:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Brand
  • SKU
  • Custom Fields
    • Inputs
    • Text Areas
    • Select Options
  • Variants
    • SKU
    • Values

How does the Search work

All the search terms will use the OR operator with a minimum number of required terms to match. If the search has 3 or less terms, all of them are required to match, but if it has more than 3 it only requires to find more than 75% of the total number of the terms searched.

  • Searching for: “winter shoes” will search products with both “winter” and “shoes” terms in their Fields, but searching for “winter shoes for snow” would find products like “Winter shoes resistant to snow” and “Winter jacket for snow” but wouldn’t find “Shoes appropriate in snow”.

We execute broad searches for every search terms, considering wildcards for the beginning and end of each term.

  • Searching for: “win shoes” will return products with either “winter” or “winner” terms on their Fields, like: Product named “Leather Winter Shoe” or “Nike Winner Shoes”.

We have proximity searches, that is, if the customer inserts a misspelled search term, the search engine is still able to return results that resemble the desired search term ( does not apply to fields like sku and barcode).

  • Searching for: “winetr shoes” will return products with “winter” on their Fields, like: Product named “Leather Winter Shoe”.

The order of the results returned by the search engine depends both on the proximity of the fields to the search terms and the weight of the matched field.

  • Exact fields like: sku, variants sku and barcode; have the highest weights, followed by name and brand. All other product fields have a relatively low weight on the search results.

Search Autocomplete Predictions

This feature is intended to speed up customer search interactions by trying to predict what product the customer is searching for in the store. Once the customer starts writing, matching product names are instantly displayed. The order is determined by how many products match the search.

Autocomplete iPhone Example

In the example above, the store has these three products:

  • Apple iPhone 11
  • Apple iPhone 13
  • Apple iPad 10.2”

If the customer types ip the prediction will show first iphone instead of ipad since its the term with more results. If the customer types ap it will predict Apple for a search that contains the three products.

The autocomplete functionality is only available in the Premium or higher plans. Request a demo to our support channels.


Is the search case-sensitive?

No. Searching for “Shoes” or “shoes” returns the same results.

Start your journey with us!

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