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Multi Location Inventory

Note: This feature is only available to subscribers of the Premium plan and above.

Multi-Location Inventory is a feature that helps businesses track and manage their products across different storage areas or retail outlets from a centralized platform. It allows you to view inventory levels across all locations at a glance and automatically update stock levels when products are moved, sold, or returned.

How to Mark a Location as Stock Origin

Setting up your Multi-Location Inventory involves these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to Locations (Checkout > Locations) section under settings.
  2. Click on ‘Add Location’ to set up new storage areas or select a location created previously.
  3. Click on the “Associate products stock to this Location” checkbox to enable this feature on the desired location
Feature Checkbox

Your default address will be marked as stock origin by default, but to use this feature you need to mark more locations. To unlock this feature, you need to be subscribed to plan premium or above.

How to Change Product Stock

You have two ways to change product stock:

  • On the Product Form: Go to your products list (Products > All Products) and select the product you want to update. In the stock section, you can select the location where you want to update the product stock This feature works for both products with variants and without variants:
    • Products with Variants
    **Products Location Selector with variants**
    • Products without Variants
    **Products Location Selector without variants**
  • On the Inventory List: Navigate to the Inventory list (Products > Inventory). Use the location filter at the top to select the location where you want to update your stock.
Inventory Locations Selector

How to Choose Which Stock to Update By Default

You can choose which stock is updated by default when an order is made in your store. To change this behavior, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the locations list (Checkout > Locations).
  2. Below, you will find a widget where you can drag your stock locations and order the list based on where you want to update your stock first.
Locations Stock Widget

Stock per location in themes

In your website it is possible to show the product’s stock availability per different location or the exact stock amount per location. You can also choose not to display the locations out of stock:

  • Website’s button to show the product stock
Stock per location button
  • Stock per location, without the exact stock
Stock per location 2
  • Stock per location, with the exact stock
Stock per location

To change this behavior, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the visual editor (Themes > Visual Editor).
  2. Navigate to the Product form settings (Theme settings > Product form).
  3. Below, you will find a list of options that you can choose configure your product stock functionality.
    • Visual editor settings
Stock per location settings

Updating the stock for multiple products between all locations using csv

To simplify changing the stock of multiple products between multiple locations you can now use our csv system, for this you just need to export you inventory, change the stock in the csv file and import it back again. Lets see how you can do this:

  1. Navigate to the inventory page in your admin page sidebar, you can find it under “Products”
  2. In the nav bar, on the top right corner you can find 2 buttons, one for exporting and other for import, go ahead and click export.Import export 1

  3. Open this file using an adequate software, we recomend you use Google Sheets
  4. As you can see in the image bellow each line of the csv corresponds to one product or variant in your store, and in the columns we have Permalink, Product Name, Product Option Property followed by one columns for each of the locations in your store that hold stock. Unlike the products csv, the inventory csv only allows changes of stock, it does not allow for the creation of new products, nor the change of other products properties besides the stock value. For this reason the first three columns are used to identify the product and should be left unchanged. The stock values can all be changed. Import export 2

  5. After you change the stock values you should save you file as a csv file with the same structure as the exported file. (This should be true if you only changed the stock values). If you are using Google sheets you can obtain this csv file by going to File -> Download -> Comma Separated Values(.cvs)Import export 3

  6. You can know go back to your inventory page in your admin page sidebar, and in the top right select import, you should upload or drag your new edited csv file and upload it. If the file has an incorrect structure and error message will appear, other wise you will see a success message and the stock will be update.

Setup Stock Priority in Checkout

You can choose which location’s stock is updated by default when an order is made in your store. You can also set the priority order for updating the stock when an order’s shipping address does not match any shipping zone. This allows you to define which location will be used to fulfill orders based on the customer’s location. To change this behavior, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the shipping zones list (Checkout > Shipping Zones).
  • Select the shipping zone you’d like to edit.
  • Below, you will find a widget where you can enable/disable the stock location or drag the list based on where you want to update your stock first.
Shipping zones stock location

If the order is made to a location that does not have a shipping zone associated, priority order for updating the stock will be the one defined in the Locations section. To change these priorities, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the locations list (Checkout > Locations).
  2. Below, you will find a widget where you can drag your stock locations and order the list based on where you want to update your stock first.
Locations Stock Widget


The API documentation provides comprehensive details on managing stock locations for your online store. It includes endpoints for listing all stock locations, retrieving details of a specific stock location, creating new stock locations, updating existing ones, and deleting stock locations. Check the API documentation .

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